Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Quick Trip to Chicago

We delivered Robert's car back to his Navy residence at Great Lakes, Illinois. On our drive to Chicago, we briefly stopped to visit Kay's Mom in Tucson before traveling on to Cyprus, TX to visit daughter Jana and family. We stayed there a couple nights and we got to babysit grandson, Timmy, one of the days. See pictures we took playing out front with him!

Saturday morning we continued toward Chacago, stopping that evening to stay at Cousin, Sandy Ball's home in Winfield, KS. The next morning was Easter Sunday and we went to church with Sandy. Sadly, we couldn't stay long and took off for Topeka, KS around 2 pm. We next visited Kay's Cousin's, Susan Winter's home and got to know Susan and husband, Mit, a little better. We are so fortunate to have such wonderful family across the country and are thankful for their gracious houspitality. We arrived in Chicago after a five day transit and stayed Monday and Tuesday at Robert and Krista's house. It was good to see them all reunited again. Robert sure was glad to have his car!

Even though all visits were short, we will remember and cherish the memories. Hopefully, we can get some family visitors us at the old empty nest here in San Diego. Please!

Timmy Janak - Good Friday 2009