Sunday, January 11, 2009

Thanksgiving in Brian Head, Utah

We went to Brian Head for Thanksgiving. Laura and David joined us so it was lots of fun being with her and her two girls, and David. It snowed the day we went there so David had trouble getting up the mountain. He spent two hours laying in the snow and muck trying to get his chains on. They got there only about one half hour before us. We had no trouble getting up the mountain. We took it slow, and it looked freshly plowed and sanded.
It snowed all day Thanksgiving. Laura and Kay suffered from altitude sickness so got a slow start on dinner. "Emergen C" came to their rescue. Dinner was great and we had lots of leftovers. Ate out only once the whole weekend.
We went for a sleigh ride, played in the snow, the girls went swimming, and went to a campfire and ate S'mores. We all played dominoes and the girls had fun playing with the dominoes.
The pictures are in reverse order.

Tiffany's art work

Playing dominoes

Kaylyn and Kay Lynn relaxing in the living room. (sorry it is so fuzzy)

Kaylyn eating a charcoaled marshmallow.

The campfire

Kaylyn sledding without a sled.

Kaylyn swimming

Kaylyn enjoying the indoor pool
Tiffany all bundled up
Tiffany by the jungle gym
Kaylyn playing in the snow. It was so powdery they couldn't make good snowmen or snowballs

Kaylyn again
Kaylyn was fascinated with the icicles
The campwagon that was the starting point for the sleigh ride.
Brian Head is high in the mountains
Kaylyn petting the horses
Laura, David and Kaylyn leaving on the sleigh ride
Bob, Kay and Tiffany staying out of the wind.
Our driver told lots of jokes
Kay and Kaylyn bundled up for the ride.
Tiffany rode in the front seat.
Bob, Kay, Kaylyn and Tiffany set out on a sleigh ride.

1 comment:

Tim Janak Jr said...

Looks like you guys are enjoying your retirement. I love that you are able to see the family. We are going to come out to CA at the end of summer so we can actually enjoy the water.